BiH Justice Institutions Serial at the BN TV

23.05.2007, 00:00
In collaboration with the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska, three television shows will soon be broadcast on BN television, as follows: about the Court of BiH, the Prosecutor's Office of BiH and the Registry. The first show, about the Court of BiH, will be broadcast on BN TV on Saturday, 26 May 2007, at 13.00 hrs. During the show an interview made with Ms. Meddžida Kreso, Court of BiH President, will be broadcast. The second show, covering the Prosecutor's Office of BiH, will be broadcast on 2 June 2007 along with the interviews made with, respectively, Chief Prosecutor Marinko Jurčević and Mr. Vaso Marinković, Head of the Department for War Crimes at the Prosecutor's Office of BiH. The last show will be about the Registry. Biljana Potparić-Lipa and David Schwendiman, Registrars for the Court and the Prosecutor's Office respectively, gave interviews to BN TV and those interviews will be aired during the show.