S1 1 K 002730 06 Kro Marić Marinko

Prosecutor's number: KT-RZ 90/05

Number of parties: 1

Prosecutor: Vesna Tančica

Confirmation date: 26.12.2006.

Department: Section I

Marić Marinko


The person is beyond the reach of judicial authorities

Defendant: Marinko Marić
Judgment / Decision


Defendant: Marinko Marić
Offense: Ratnoi zločin protiv civilnog stanovništva iz člana 173. stav 1. Krivičnog zakona BiH u vezi sa tačkama: c) i e), u vezi sa članom 29. i članom 180. stav 1. KZ BiH
Place of committment: Čapljina
Committment year: 1993.
Number of injured / victims: The exact number has not been determined