Plea hearing scheduled in the Niset Ramić case

26.10.2006, 09:47
A plea hearing in the case of Niset Ramić before a Preliminary Hearing Judge of Section I for War Crimes of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been scheduled for 27 October 2006, starting at 10.00am in courtroom 8. The indictment charges the accused with the criminal offence of War crimes against civilians.

The indictment alleges that on 20 June 1992, as the member of a sabotage unit of the Visoko Territorial Defence Headquarters, the accused committed breaches of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in time of War.  It is further alleged that, after a group of Serb civilians was surrounded and deprived of liberty, the accused escorted them to the Youth club in the village of Hlapčevići, Visoko municipality.  On their way towards the Youth club, the accused allegedly stopped the group and shot a number of them using a machine gun.   The shooting allegedly caused the death of four persons and wounding of two.